Leading the flock in the path of righteousness
General Overseer
Pastor Henry Lawanson is the General Overseer of COSEC Ministries International. By the Grace of God, he has successfully led this ministry for over 20 years.
Pastor Henry Lawanson is a natural born leader. He is extremely passionate about the spiritual welfare and wellbeing of his congregation. He has a passion for winning souls for Christ and leading men and women into the pathway of holiness.
Pastor Lawanson is caring, loving and truly desires that all should come into the knowledge of Christ.
He leads by example and demonstrates a passion and love for Christ that others can emulate. He is a role model and spiritual father to many.
Senior Pastor
Senior Pastor Olowu known as the ‘Smiling Pastor’ is a trustee of COSEC.
He is the driving force behind the youth Ministry, leading and encouraging young people into ministry. He has a unique passion to see the youth of our community progress and prosper through his counselling sessions and youth bible studies.
His role as a senior pastor has also involved the leading of COSEC Fellowships and bible studies which have impacted the lives of members worldwide. His topics are thoughtout, provoking and cause many to work on developing an intimate relationship with Christ.
Senior Pastor
A senior pastor and trustee of Communion of Saints Evangelical church.
He is best known as a man of few words. However, if you have ever had any opportunity to hear him talk his words are inspiring, powerful and life changing. He is charismatic and innovative.
As the principal of Zion COSE Bible College, he has been the driving force leading others to higher education in theology. As a mentor he has been instrumental in guiding students into ministry.
He has transformed the lives of many with his simple yet captivating slogan
‘Life is a journey… let us travel it with Christ’
For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.
Romans 2:13